The Chapel – UGA 22 (1832, Category 2). Completed in 1832 to replace an earlier wooden structure that had burned, the Chapel was designed in a Greek Revival style. The building originally featured a bell tower that was removed in 1913 due to poor condition. The bell was relocated to a wooden tower located behind the chapel. Today, the Chapel is used as a recital hall for the School of Music, as well as lectures, meetings, and other gatherings.
The Chapel has a smooth exterior painted stucco finish and appears to retain its original wood windows, which are tall, two-story units. Along with Demosthenian and Phi Kappa Halls, the Chapel is one of the few buildings on campus that have been preserved in their original condition without substantial rehabilitation. It is listed as a contributing building of the Old North Campus Historic District, retains a high degree of integrity, and is assessed as a Category 2 resource.