Miller Plant Sciences – UGA 1061 (1972, Category 3). The Miller Plant Sciences Building is a large, four-story structure located at the southeast corner of Brooks Mall and Carlton Street. It houses the Departments of Agronomy, Botany, Horticulture, and Plant Pathology, as well as a herbarium. Completed in 1972, the building is named for Professor Julian H. Miller, professor of plant pathology from 1919 to 1958 and recognized nationally for his research.366
The Plant Sciences Building is a simple brick mass, asymmetrically T-shaped in plan. The exterior has smooth brick walls without articulation but punctured by concrete framed windows at each floor level. The single-paned aluminum window sash operate as awning windows. The building’s primary entrance faces Brooks Mall and is also framed in concrete, with polished granite panel infill and aluminum doors. The building has a flat roof.