Lucy Cobb Kitchen (formerly Stephens Board Room) – UGA 2004 (1858, Category 2) The Lucy Cobb Kitchen, constructed in 1858, is a small, one-story, painted brick building with a side-gable metal roof. It has a chimney at each end of the structure. Two doors and two casement windows are centered on the front facade. The building retains integrity and appears to contribute to a National Register-eligible historic district, although not currently listed as a contributing resource of the Lucy Cobb property in the Cobb-Treanor House National Register nomination. It is assessed as a Category 2 resource.
Landscape Resources
Landscape resources associated with the property include an access road and an extension system of parking, mature trees, turf, and shrub plantings. The older trees, which include oaks and magnolias, appear historic and likely contribute to the significance of the property. Much of the landscape is a contemporary adaptation of the historic property for University uses.