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The addition to the Georgia Museum of Art includes more than 16,000 square feet in new galleries, an outdoor sculpture garden, an expanded lobby and additional storage space.

Sustainable Design Features
The addition was built over an existing parking lot which minimizes the net addition of impervious spaces.
Reflective roof material is used to lessen the heat island effect.
Light bars, structural vertical openings that extend through the building from top to bottom, allow skylights to introduce natural illumination to the interior.
91% of the construction waste was salvaged or recycled.
Two 25,000 gallon cisterns, which collect rainwater and condensation produced by the museum air condition system, supply water to an outdoor fountain and irrigation system.
Native plants and a high-efficiency irrigation system are incorporated into the design to reduce water use.
Indoor air quality is improved by installing refrigerants and HVAC equipment that minimized emissions of ozone-depleting compounds and choosing low-VOC paints.