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A property that is considered eligible for listing in the state or federal register is subject to GEPA/State Stewardship as well as Section 106 review if the project includes federal funding, permitting, or licensing. Properties assessed as Category 1 and 2 in the resource inventory are considered eligible for listing in the state or federal register. (Properties in Category 4 may be eligible when they reach the 50-year age consideration.)

A Determination of Eligibility is made first by the agency and then referred to SHPO for concurrence as part of the consultation process. Historic resource studies (Standard Operating Procedure 6) are useful in providing the type of information required to submit a Determination of Eligibility and can reduce the review period by reducing SHPO requests for additional Information. The Campus Preservation Officer (CPO) will be consulted regarding the need for and approach to obtaining a DOE. Category 1 and 2 resources will be considered eligible for inclusion. The University may simply concede eligibility in an effort to save time and submittal paperwork. Formal requests for Determination of Eligibility are best reserved for Category 3 resources.

Any property that is determined not-eligible by the SHPO may be reassigned as to Categories 3, 4 or 5 in the Historic Resource Inventory as appropriate.


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