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We create places where diverse learning opportunities and life experiences occur, crafting the fabric of the university to leave a lasting imprint on the lives forged at the University of Georgia. We balance programmatic and spatial needs with the university’s landscape, architectural and building system requirements while planning for preservation and adaptability for current and future generations. Together we open doors to experiential learning opportunities, house world-class research and innovation, and enliven imaginative and interactive learning environments. While the campus communities we build are fixed and finite, their potential impacts are limitless.


OUA is responsible for the development and management of the campus physical planning framework, including transportation planning, historic preservation planning, environmental planning, and precinct planning; the development and management of campus site design and architectural standards; GIS management of existing conditions; and the coordination and project management of major capital projects for all of the UGA campuses across the state. OUA ensures projects are approved at all the appropriate levels and are in agreement with the 2008 Physical Master Plan. This plan continues to increase the density of buildings on main campus, while also contributing significant green space. Enhancements to the core include building renovations to the historic north campus, student life in the central precinct, science facilities on south campus, expansion of the arts and student housing on east campus, and pedestrian improvements throughout.


To plan, design, preserve, and build the campus learning environment in support of the university’s mission.


Provide the optimal learning, research, and outreach environment.


As we plan, design, preserve, and build the campus environment we strive to recognize and draw from all cultures, religions, races, and sexual preferences to promote and provide a place where every individual is comfortable to share and express their beliefs.  OUA is committed to making necessary change and work with campus partners to reduce prejudice, disparities, and discrimination and to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for all.


Collaboration: We actively partner with campus stakeholders to achieve desired goals.

Excellence: We foster an enduring and high-quality campus environment.

Inclusivity: We honor and embrace the variety of the human experience.

Innovation: We are creative and adaptable problem solvers.

Service: We pursue our mission in support of the university.

Stewardship: We respect and honor the resources and the heritage with which we are entrusted.