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UGA's master plan endeavors to create the optimal student environment by extending the characteristics of historic north campus to other campus precincts. The master plan emphasizes the creation of connected greenspaces to promote a safe and pleasant pedestrian environment with minimized vehicular conflicts. In general, campus planning endeavors to limit the majority of vehicular traffic to the campus edges, reserving the campus interior for infill buildings and memorable pedestrian spaces. Parking deck construction (generally around the campus perimeter) as well as more remote Park and Ride opportunities help offset the loss of surface lots to new construction, and multi-use pathways and sidewalks provide safe, active transportation routes throughout the campus core.

Transportation planning efforts focus on reducing potential conflicts between different modes of travel; improving the safety, convenience and comfort of active transportation like walking and biking; reducing barriers to accessible pathways; optimizing the efficiency and ease of use of campus transit; as well as limiting congestion through improved design and infrastructure management. Recent improvements include:

  • Expansion of College Station Park and Ride lot, with connection to the East Campus via the North Oconee River Greenway Connector Bridge
  • Herty Mall Accessibility Improvements
  • West campus/Hill Community Accessibility Improvements
  • Pedestrian scramble and intersection improvements along Lumpkin Street at Baxter Street and Baldwin Street 
  • Traffic signalization improvements along East Campus Road including fiber connectivity and Smart Grid cameras to improve signal timing
  • Pedestrian crossing improvements at Hull Street between BLC and Hull Street deck
  • Pedestrian crossing improvements at River Road near LDSOA
  • Pedestrian crossing improvements at Sanford Drive near Georgia Center
  • New traffic signal for protected pedestrian crossing at East Campus Road and Hooper Street


UGA promotes the use of bicycles on campus through developing bike lanes on campus roadways and providing bike racks at each building. Where possible, covered bike parking and shower facilities are provided.
Follow these links to view the Bike Master Plan or for a Map of Bike Racks on campus.

UGA is also assisting development of the North Oconee River Greenway to provide alternative commuting options between campus and the community. The North Oconee River Greenway now connects the A-CC Oak-Oconee Park and Ride as well as the UGA Park and Ride to East Campus at River Road.


UGA's Transportation and Parking Services offers bus and paratransit services, promotes active transportation options, and manages campus' 19,000-space parking system. Parking permit information, bus routes and schedules, and special transportation needs are detailed on the linked website. Members of the campus community can also ride Athens Transit "The Bus" for free with a valid campus ID. UGA TPS' Alternative Transportation Program provides incentives for people to reduce the use of personal automobiles on campus.