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All activities resulting in changes to historic buildings and landscapes will be recorded and documented, and the documentation filed in a designated location for easy access and retrieval. The purpose of this process is to create a record of changes made over time to the University’s historic buildings and landscapes, while facilitating resource-related decision making as well as future research efforts. The University’s Facilities Management Division (FMD) Facility Inventory currently collects and catalogs all as-built documentation (drawings and specifications) as part of its standard operations. Utilization of the University’s existing as-built documentation process for this purpose is anticipated.

Facilities Inventory

Facilities Management Division

University of Georgia

1180 East Broad Street

021 Chicopee Complex

Athens, Georgia 30602

(706) 542-9365

At the same time, documentation records should be considered for inclusion in the University of Georgia Special Collections Libraries. Both recordation documentation as well as any materials collected as part of background research into a property should be compiled and submitted to the University of Georgia Special Collections Libraries. The Campus Preservation Officer (CPO) will develop protocols for archiving materials with University of Georgia Special Collections Libraries, including determining a list of construction-related documents of interest, potentially including reports, contracts, correspondence, meeting minutes, and buildings material samples.

The permanent archival records that are used to meet Georgia State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) mitigation requests will also be submitted to the University of Georgia Special Collections Libraries (see also Standard Operating Procedures 3 and 13).

University Archivist

Richard B. Russell Building

Special Collections Libraries

University of Georgia Libraries

300 South Hull Street

Athens, Georgia 30602

(706) 542-0667

(706) 542-0667

Where archaeological activities result in the recovery of pre-historic or historic artifacts, these items will be submitted along with documentation to the University of Georgia Laboratory of Archaeology for permanent curation. In most instances, this transfer will be handled by the registered archaeologist responsible for the investigation. All archaeological sites will be recorded at the Georgia Archaeological Site File.

University of Georgia Laboratory of Archaeology

The Georgia Archaeological Site File

UGA Laboratory of Archaeology

1125 Whitehall Rd. Athens, GA

Athens, Georgia 30602

(706) 542-8737

fax (706) 542-8920

The University will develop a Geographic Information System (GIS) file to identify known archaeological sites and those identified in the future. The file will serve as an initial tool for assessing proposed ground-disturbing activities. Sites that have been examined and determined not-eligible will not require additional consideration unless there remains the potential for other archaeological sites to be located nearby, or if the site is deemed significant and would require further remediation prior to disturbance.


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