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The appropriate management of historic resources often benefits from research, documentation, and analysis presented in different types of historic resource studies. The purpose of historic resource studies is to identify and compile relevant archival documents, develop a historic context for and a physical description of the resource, assess historic integrity, and evaluate significance in accordance with Georgia and National Register of Historic Places criteria. For example, historic structure reports are a recognized type of study used in assessment and management of historic buildings and structures.

The management of historic landscapes in particular, which are not currently well represented in the University’s historic resource database, will benefit from additional historic resource studies, such as cultural landscape reports, to address the complexities of place. The Campus Preservation Officer (CPO) will recommend the preparation of a historic resource study for historic landscapes when insufficient information is available to assess a proposed action.

Historic resource studies will be developed under the direction of the CPO. They will be prepared by a qualified Cultural Resource Management firm with personnel who meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards.


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