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Three options are presented herein for complying with the Standard Operating Procedures for treating historic resources. The first entails conformance with Best Management Practices (BMPs) for actions not anticipated to remove or alter historic materials or character-defining features. The other two involve consultation with the Campus Preservation Officer (CPO), or consultation with Georgia State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), contingent upon the proposed action and the category of the resource.

SHPO consultation is required for:

  • Potentially problematic issues raised by Environmental Site Assessments;
  • Unresolvable issues arising from CPO review;
  • All planning and construction activities involving federal funding, licensing, or permitting are subject to Section 106 (National Historic Preservation Act 1966) review. The SHPO is responsible for all formal review for Section 106 compliance, UGA is responsible submitting Section 106 reviews to SHPO unless the responsibility is previously designated to another federal or state agency (for example, the Army Corps of Engineers).
  • All extensive/major historic rehabilitation projects.
  • Demolition and dispossession of any historic buildings and all real estate;
  • Archaeological survey, testing, and mitigation (refer to Standard Operating Procedure 5).

The University of Georgia is solely responsible for communication, consultation, and submissions to and with the SHPO. All correspondence and consultations with the SHPO must be coordinated through the CPO. Consultant-based communication, consultation, and submissions will only be permitted with the foreknowledge and permission of the CPO.

Formal SHPO submissions will be completed using the Georgia SHPO Environmental Review Form. The review will be initiated no later than the Schematic Design (35 percent) phase of a construction project. The SHPO may request additional submittals later in the design process, depending of the complexity of the preservation issues involved. The SHPO has 30 days to respond to submittals. The 30-day clock restarts whenever additional information is requested to support the submittal. Adequate time should be included for this review within the overall design/planning process and schedule.

When SHPO consultation is required, projects are likely to benefit from the historic resource study process addressed in Standard Operating Procedure 6. Historic resource studies have been found to greatly facilitate the review process by providing the types of information commonly requested as additional information by the SHPO, helping to expedite the review window.

Historic resource studies will be required for all extensive/major rehabilitations and demolitions/dispossessions, and recommended for minor/moderate rehabilitations where SHPO review is anticipated. They are also recommended for actions within eligible historic districts to address historic landscape considerations.

Formal SHPO submittals consist of three parts: “Determination of Eligibility” (Standard Operating Procedure 10); “Assessment of Effect” (Standard Operating Procedure 11); and “Mitigation” (Standard Operating Procedure 13).


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