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The Implementation Matrix facilitates navigation of the consultation and review process and connects proposed Actions with specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).  SOPs 5 through 12 establish consultation and review procedures for various type of projects involving historic resources. 

All historic resources identified in the Historic Resource Inventory (HRI) have been assigned an Assessment Category that takes into consideration the age, history, context, significance, condition and integrity of buildings and landscape features, and suggests National Register of Historic Places eligibility and other potential significance using five classifications (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). The Assessment Category for specific University of Georgia resources may be found on the Summary with Tabular Identification and Evaluation of Cultural Resources section found in the appendix of this Historic Preservation Master Plan. Summaries are arranged by campus association, character area, and building number, with landscape resources following buildings in each character area. The Assessment Category of a building or landscape resource may also be obtained by contacting the Campus Preservation Officer (CPO) (see SOP1) or clicking on a building in the UGA HPMP interactive campus map.

The Implementation Matrix cross-references the resource Assessment Category with eight potential Actions including Master Planning, Routine Maintenance, Corrective Maintenance, Minor/ Moderate Rehabilitation, Extensive Rehabilitation, Additions/New Construction, Demolitions/ Dispossessions, and Excavations/Archaeology. By cross-referencing the resource Assessment Category with the proposed treatment, the matrix directs the user to the specific SOP for that action. Note that actions involving Excavation/Archaeology always default to SOP 5 as there is no way to apply an Assessment Category to a hidden condition.


Step by Step Instructions

  1. Determine what Action is being considered for the historic resource
  2. Go to UGA HPMP interactive map:
  3. Enter in name or number of building 
  4. Identify Assessment Category of historic resource
  5. Go to Implementation Matrix
  6. Go to the corresponding Assessment Category horizontal row
  7. Go the corresponding Action vertical column
  8. At the intersection of the Assessment Category row and the Action column are the applicable Standard Operating Procedures
  9. Note that actions involving Excavation/Archaeology always default to SOP 5 as there is no way to apply an Assessment Category to a hidden condition.


Step by Step Instructions Example:  Moore College window replacement

1. Determine what Action is being considered for the historic resource. For a window replacement at this facility the Action is Minor/Moderate Rehabilitation


2. Go to UGA HPMP interactive map:


3. Enter in name or number of building


4. The Assessment Category is 2


5. Go to Implementation Matrix


6. Go to the Assessment Category 2 row

7. Go the Minor/Moderate Rehabilitation column

8. At the intersection of the Assessment category row and the Action column are the applicable Standard Operating procedures, in this case:  SOP 8.

9. SOP 8 is Consult with Campus Preservation Officer.