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Based on research and analysis conducted for this study, and in consultation with University project team members and the workshops conducted by the University in conjunction with this study, the following guiding principles have been established for the Historic Preservation Master Plan and for preservation of the University’s historic resources:

  1. Relate historic preservation to the University of Georgia’s mission and vision.
  2. Recognize the central role that historic preservation plays in campus character.
  3. Take a holistic approach to historic preservation, recognizing the interrelationships of landscapes, buildings, site features, and archeological resources.
  4. Fully incorporate historic preservation concepts into University planning, processes, and procedures.
  5. Endeavor to develop a clear and easy to use protocol and process for addressing historic preservation needs within the University system.
  6. Emphasize the preservation of authentic historic fabric.
  7. Recognize the ongoing need to accommodate change in University programs and infrastructure.
  8. Be flexible and creative in design and execution, always striving for the highest possible quality.
  9. Use appropriate treatments for historic building and landscape systems and fabric.
  10. Engage appropriate professionals to address the specific needs of each historic resource.
  11. Engage students, faculty, administrators, alumni, residents, and the general public in cultivating historic preservation interests and values.
  12. Emphasize livability, sustainability, and quality of life.
  13. Recognize that University of Georgia is a collection of campuses, sites, buildings, structures, and landscapes spread across a large geographic area that present a wide range of preservation needs.
  14. Recognize that the historic contexts associated with each campus, site, building, structure, and landscape should be considered when making preservation decisions.
  15. Recognize that there are existing national, state, and local laws and policies that need to be respected when endeavoring to make preservation and stewardship decisions.
  16. Share the collected knowledge of what makes historic buildings, landscapes, and archeological sites worthy of preservation and stewardship.