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From the Preservation Approach section of the UGA Historic Preservation Master Plan, five Categories describe the potential spectrum of historic preservation values that individual UGA resources may contribute to the university. While preliminary in nature and subject to modfication over time, a category is assigned to each UGA facility to guide facility planning, design, and management. Please refer to the guide for How to Use the Impementation Matrix for additional information.

Category 1 - Resources that are individually listed or meet eligibility criteria 
  • Individually listed in the National Register or as a National Historic Landmark.
  • Not listed but meeting the criteria for eligibility for listing in the National Register.

Category 2Contributing resources within a listed or eligible historic district

  • Contributing resource within a historic district listed in the National Register or as a National Historic Landmark.
  • Contributing resource within a historic district not listed but meeting the criteria for eligibility for listing in the National Register.

Category 3 - Other resources fifty years of age or greater with historic value

  • Resources fifty years of age or greater that are not individually significant or contributing within a historic district per the National Register of Historic Places, but which are of value for their contribution to the character of the University of Georgia.

Category 4Other resources less than fifty years of age of inherent or potential value

  • Resources less than fifty years of age that possess inherent value (e.g., architectural) to the University of Georgia. Includes resources that may be eligible for listing when they reach the fifty-year age consideration.
  • Resources forty to fifty years of age that the University plans to reassess when they reach fifty years of age. Includes resources that may be eligible for listing when they reach the fifty-year age consideration.

Category 5 - Non-historic resources

  • Resources that are non-historic and/or do not meet National Register eligibility requirements for listing, and lack other inherent value to the University of Georgia.
  • Resources in this category that are less than forty years old at the time of the current assessment should be re-evaluated when they reach forty to fifty years of age, and moved to another category if appropriate.

NA - Not available

  • Some campus buildings have not been inventoried in the HPMP master plan. These will be updated over time.


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Standard Operating Procedures

Implementation Matrix