Dawson Hall – UGA 1010 (1932, Category 2). Dawson Hall was erected in 1932 on South Campus at the southeast corner of the intersection of Sanford Drive and Cedar Street. It is named for Dr. William Terrell Dawson, who willed a large amount of money to the College of Agriculture in the 1920s. It is the main building for the College of Home Economics. The program was established in 1918, when women were admitted as undergraduates for the first time. A large annex, Speirs Hall (also UGA 1010), was added in 1971 and named in honor of Mary Spiers, dean of the school for many years. In 1982, a Doric entrance was added to the west side of the original building, facing Sanford Drive.356 Dawson Hall retains integrity and appears to contribute to a National Register-eligible historic district. It is assessed as a Category 2 resource.