University Village A-K – UGA 2220–2231 (1966, Category 3). University Village is located to the north and south of College Station Road between its intersections with Agriculture Drive and East Campus Road. There are three clusters of buildings within the complex, which is edged to the north by woodland, and to the south by East Campus Road.
The housing complex was built in 1966 as the first permanent apartment complex for married students. After passage of the G.I. Bill, passed in 1944, increasing numbers of older students, many of whom were married, began to attend colleges and universities. During the decade that followed World War II, many universities were forced to establish quarters to accommodate the large influx of students. By the 1960s, while the number of veterans had begun to decline, the trend for older students to attend college continued. The University of Georgia recognized the need and built the 105-unit University Village complex in 1966. It supports family and graduate community housing needs.
The apartment-style units occupy two-story brick structures that feature paired vertical concrete block panels inset with groups of three windows. Narrow overhangs extend out from the building over the first-floor windows. The buildings are connected to one another at their gable ends in linear rows, with the buildings slightly offset from one another, with one end connected to another building perpendicularly. The buildings are thus arranged into L-shaped forms and used to create quadrangles, or to edge parking areas. The buildings are connected with each other by curvilinear roads and paved walks. Two of the quadrangles feature a circular walk in the center that is broken by one of the buildings. Much of the landscape is composed of grass turf. There are also tree and shrub plantings.