Geography-Geology – UGA 1002 (1959, Category 2). The Geography-Geology Building was constructed in 1960 to the east of Physics. Rectangular in plan, the flat-roofed building is two stories high on its primary south facade and three stories on the north facade facing Field Street. The primary south facade is closely related to a recessed landscaped courtyard of distinctive quality, with brick walkways, sitting areas, and planting areas that feature canopy trees set in a grid pattern that have matured and help make the courtyard a hospitable place.
Like Physics, the concrete structure of Geography-Geology is expressed on the exterior. The concrete floor plates and columns create a horizontal framework on the exterior in which brick and aluminum windows are placed. Three rectangular aluminum windows are placed within each grid of the framework. The windows are divided by a pattern of aluminum muntins. Over each window projects an L- shaped cantilevered concrete hood as a shading device. Around the windows, brick is set in decorative patterns, unifying the frame with its color but expressing linear edges, rather than a unified panel, by its patterns.
A larger L-shaped concrete hood is cantilevered over the building’s entrance, which is raised above the courtyard and reached by concrete steps with solid concrete railings. Both the steps and building appear to float above the ground. The interior of the building has a simple grid layout that seems easily adaptable to potential future needs. The entrance hall has an open concrete stairwell and simple finishes of brick, wood, glass, resilient tile, and acoustic tile ceilings. In the lobby are displays of various rocks, minerals, fossils, and maps.
Geography-Geology retains integrity, is significant to the Mid-Century Modern period of the University’s development, and appears to contribute to a National Register-eligible historic district. It is assessed as a Category 2 resource.