Payne Hall – UGA 270 (1939, 1951; Category 2). Payne Hall was built in 1940 and named for Professor William Oscar Payne who served as faculty chairman of athletics for many years. Construction of the Colonial Revival style residence hall was partially funded with a PWA grant. Wings were added to the building in 1951.
Payne Hall was created in the mirror image of Milledge Hall to its west, and the rear end wings of two buildings together create a common courtyard. However, as a PWA building, Payne Hall was constructed more economically than Milledge and its detailing is not of the same quality. Payne’s primary facade faces east above East Campus Road. It is composed with two simple Colonial- framed entrances to each side of a small central first-floor bay.
Like Milledge, Payne Hall’s windows have been replaced with new metal windows with internal applied muntins. However, the dormitory generally retains integrity and appears to contribute to a National Register-eligible historic district. It is assessed as a Category 2 resource.