Science Library – UGA 1621 (1968, Category 3).The Science Library was constructed with the connected Graduate Studies Center. The exterior of the three-story library building is clad with brick masonry and concrete.
Landscape Resources
Landscape features associated with this character area include the Cedar Street streetscape, light poles, plazas, building entry features, turf, shrub, and tree plantings, and D.W. Brooks Drive. Several of these landscape features were established as part of the science complex, or pre-date it, and are historic.
Outdoor plazas (Category 2). The outdoor plazas in the mid-twentieth-century science complex typically consist of concrete and red brick paving. Many of the plazas were constructed at the same time as the science complex. The outdoor plazas retain integrity and appear to contribute to a National Register-eligible historic district. They are assessed as Category 2 resources.
Building entry features (Category 2). At several buildings in the mid-twentieth- century science complex, canopies and overhangs are present connecting the buildings with the adjacent outdoor plazas. The building entry features retain integrity and appear to contribute to a National Register-eligible historic district. They are assessed as Category 2 resources.
D. W. Brooks Drive (date undetermined, Category 2). A key circulation route in South Campus traditionally was Agriculture Drive, later named Brooks Drive in honor of D. W. Brooks, a generous benefactor of the University. The date of origin of D.W. Brooks Drive is not documented in archival material reviewed for this study. D.W. Brooks Drive retains integrity and appears to contribute to a National Register-eligible historic district. It is assessed as a Category 2 resource.