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Proposed demolition actions relating to historic resources will be developed in consultation with the Campus Preservation Officer (CPO), and sent to the SHPO for review. Dispossession of land holdings will also subject to the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) review if the environmental site assessment indicates the presence of historic or archaeological resources.

Demolition of a state or federal register-eligible structure constitutes an “Significant Impact/Effect.” The finding of “Significant Impact/Effect” does not preclude demolition. A review letter provided by the SHPO will inform the Board of Regents (BOR) and the Governor’s office of SHPO concerns. However, the authority to demolish/dispossess remains with the Board and the Governor as Owners. A finding of “Significant Impact/Effect” usually results in a request for mitigation (Standard Operating Procedure 13) by the SHPO. One of the essential mitigation measures recommended for all properties subject to demolition or dispossession is documentation, and preparation of a Permanent Archival Record per the SHPO “Guidelines for Establishing a Permanent Archival Record” (Standard Operating Procedures 3 and 13).

Any building 50 years of age or older that has not already been assessed for demolition or dispossession by the SHPO (Category 5) must be reviewed by SHPO prior to the demolition due diligence submission to the BOR. BOR will not accept or approve demolition due diligence submittals without the inclusion of a letter from SHPO.


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