Food Science Building – UGA 1020 (1959, Category 2). The Food Science building was constructed in 1960 to the east of the Food Science building. It is a rectangular building oriented east-west along the slope of Compton Hill, perpendicular to Poultry Sciences. Within the building pilot plant facilities demonstrate canning, dehydrating, smoking, packaging, and other food handling techniques.
The Food Sciences Building is two stories on its north and west sides, and three stories on its south and east sides. A large one-story extension is located along the south side of the building. A contemporary addition with a new building entrance has been added to the north side of the building. The addition is in character with the original 1960s building.
At the Food Sciences building, the white painted concrete floor plates and vertical elements create a grid in which the large aluminum and glass windows are set. Concrete hoods similar to those of the Geology-Geography building project over the windows. Brick fills the space around. The Food Sciences building retains integrity, is significant to the Science Center, and appears to contribute to a National Register-eligible historic district. It is assessed as a Category 2 resource.