Chicopee mill building – UGA 101–109 (1847/1940/1965/1970/1988, Category 2). The Chicopee mill building was constructed in 1862. It is a two-story long stone and brick structure that faces the North Oconee River. The lower floor is stone, inset with brick lintels over the window openings. The second story is brick. The building features a gable roof. The principal entrance into the building is marked by a projecting octagonal bay. The building retains integrity and appears to contribute to a National Register-eligible historic district. It is assessed as a Category 2 resource.
Stone storage building – (date undetermined, Category 2). Located to the northwest of the mill building is a stone building with a hipped roof clad with asphalt shingles. A double door opening is approached by a flight of concrete steps. The building is connected to a fuel storage tank, and edged by a retaining wall on one side. The date of origin of the stone storage building is not documented in archival materials reviewed for this study. The stone storage building retains integrity and appears to contribute to a National Register-eligible historic district. It is assessed as a Category 2 resource.
Fuel tank – (date undetermined, Category 2). A metal fuel storage tank is located adjacent to the stone storage building. The date of origin of the fuel tank is not documented in archival materials reviewed for this study. The fuel tank retains integrity and appears to contribute to a National Register-eligible historic district. It is assessed as a Category 2 resource.
Brick stack – (date undetermined, Category 2). Located to the northwest of the mill building is a cylindrical brick stack with iron bands, corbeled brick at the top of the shaft and a square access opening near the base. It is associated with former industrial use of the property. The date of origin of the brick stack is not documented in archival materials reviewed for this study. The brick stack retains integrity and appears to contribute to a National Register-eligible historic district. It is assessed as a Category 2 resource.
Warehouse and storage structures (date undetermined, Category 2, 5). Several additional warehouse and storage structures are clustered on the property to the north and west of the mill building. The buildings are single-story structures.
Some are brick, while others are concrete, or frame clad with vinyl siding. The date of origin of the warehouse and storage structures are not documented in archival materials reviewed for this study.
Landscape Resources
The Chicopee Complex is edged to the south by East Broad Street (Martin Luther King Parkway). Street trees line the sidewalk that follows the road corridor. Turf is planted between the trees and the building. Minimal foundation plantings front the mill building. A sign marks the property along East Broad Street. There is also a Georgia historical marker that notes the historic uses of the building.
To the rear of the building, access occurs from First Street. The open space behind the mill and between the existing buildings is generally paved with asphalt and used for parking. Retaining walls and concrete walks and ramps provide access to building entrances. The landscape of the Chicopee Complex does not appear to contain significant historic resources beyond existing patterns of spatial organization and views.