Tobacco Curing Barn – UGA 4657 (1945, Category 2). The Tobacco Curing Barn is located along Rainwater Road to the west of the Ag Engineering Equipment Shed and east of the Physical Plant Building. Built in 1945, the Tobacco Curing Barn is among the earliest buildings built within the character area. The barn is a small wood-frame structure with its original wood siding. Its gable roof has metal roofing that is weathered, with a portion that is missing. The Tobacco Curing Barn has a concrete foundation with brick top courses and metal vents. The building has a variety of openings, with two large double doors on the east elevation and a ridge vent at the top. A long open shed is located on the south side of the building.
The barn was developed to improve tobacco curing methods used by farmers. The barn is in fair condition due to deterioration of the roof and siding, but retains integrity and is assessed as Category 2.